Saturday, March 31, 2012

Running and Hallelujahs!!!!

This morning was orchestra rehearsal for our Palm Sunday Service at 7th...

It's always challenging to sing in allergy season...
and for some reason, my body felt extra tired today!

So, on the way home, I had this overwhelming urge to RUN...
I've been a runner all my life.
In fact... I like to run... I'm pretty natural at it...
and, I know its good for me...
so I often wonder why I put off doing it... like it's a chore...

But, today, running was calling me out of the house...
out of my blasé routine...
 onto the road...

 I could not wait to get outside and RUN!


I have been lazy for the past few months, so I am a wee bit out of shape!

Amazingly... something really cool happened...

There were three HALLELUJAHS  out on the trail today... THREE!!!

The FIRST  Hallelujah came in the form of a driver 
who flagged me (out of shape runner) down
 just over the Richie overpass... 

This lady was dressed all nicely... 
with a look of desperation on her face, she asked, 
"Could you tell me how to get to Hewitt 1st Baptist?"  
Delighted to have a chance (a.k.a... an excuse) 
to catch my breath, 
I was happy to oblige her!

The SECOND Hallelujah came a little while into the run... 
when yet another lady pulled over and flagged me down... 
"I'm looking for Woodway Lutheran, do you now how to get there?"

I could NOT believe it... 
in ALL my seventeen years of running in this neighborhood... 
I have NEVER had ANYONE flag me down
 to ask me for directions.... 
(Though I have had people attempt to RUN me DOWN... 
oh... well... I'll save that for another blogpost!)

So I ran along... taking in the beauty of the bluebonnets...

Breathing the allergens in the air... (uh-oh)

Enjoying the sun, shining down on me!

Taking a mental note that even my bum knee was cooperating...
 it was just heavenly out there!

As I approached the top of the hill beside Woodway 1st Baptist, 
I felt the cool northern breeze caress my  body... 
I spread my arms wide as if I were an eagle 
gliding through the sky...  all the while... 
running... running... running...

A little further down I trekked the Richie Road stretch.  
I'm always amazed by the quiet sounds of nature... 

 I hugged the luxurious shade from the tall, overgrown brush... 
it felt glorious to my skin!

Running... running... running home...

That's when my THIRD Hallelujah happened!  

I'm not kidding!

I climbed what I call my neighborhood's tiny "Heartbreak Hill"! 
And, just when I thought I could not bear another step, 
 another driver stopped to ask me, "Where is Woodway 1st Baptist?"
  Heaving heavily, I gave her directions, all the while
secretly thinking how marvelous to have a reason to break the pace 
and catch my breath, if only for just a few seconds!

I figured that probably today the Good Lord knew 
that I was totally out of shape...

so perhaps He placed these fabulous people in my path 
to help me out just a little!

On a side note... DLW is the true runner in our family, 
and there are lots of stories...
but I'll save that for another blogpost!

Soul Singing and Running and...


A good way to lift the spirit and cleanse the soul!

La - Ti - Do!


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