Thursday, March 29, 2012

Texas Bluebonnets and Allergies!!

Two weeks ago, as I was driving home from work, I realized there were bluebonnets everywhere and pear trees were blooming and honeysuckle blossoms were opening up and the large ferns in our front yard were sprouting...

Color... many colors...everywhere!!

Mostly green and lots of blue - bluebonnets!
Did we even have a winter?

Then I realized that I had already started on my allergy medication routine a month earlier than usual. So, of course, we are in full blown spring...
This year of 2012... spring began early... at the end of February!

Well that is all good for me, because I love spring!
I get a good feeling when all is fresh and new - when nature calls me outdoors for beneficial exercise and soul-lifting runs and taking in the beauty of it all!

Bluebonnets are here!
More beautiful this year than EVER before!
This year they seem more purple than blue... 
and are very abundant...
they are a unique TEXAS BRAND! 
When you think of Texas, you think bluebonnets, 
cowboy boots, and wide open spaces!

Aren't they gorgeous this year?!!!

Allergies are here, too!

This is not good, because they cut into my singing... makes it more work than fun...
in fact, last night at choir, I was struggling to even resonate or breathe well!

And, my first client yesterday had to endure a full blown allergy attack... poor young lady...
I feel sorry that she had to endure all the sneezing, wheezing... just pitiful!
I was grabbing zyrtec and singulair out of my desk... pronto!!

But, all will be better when I get on my medication routine for a couple of months..
I do NOT like medicine, but in allergy season... I am thankful for these pharmaceuticals...
for is SURVIVAL!

I guess all good things come with some loss... like bluebonnets and allergies...
it's part of the giving up process of life...
change brings both excitement and trepidation.. even our most awesome moments usually create some sort of challenge....

For me, Spring brings beauty, sunshine, exercise, bluebonnets, an uplifted spirit...
and..... allergies!!  That's the way this world spins!

I'm okay with that.

Soul  - Singing my way into Spring!

La - Ti - Do!


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